Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today's session was a little strange. Tyler was overstimulated and easily frustrated today. He also didn't have very good coloring. Hopefully it's just a bad day and tomorrow will be better. STeve stayed home for the morning session so he could learn from Carrie what we are doing and what our goals are for Tyler. I think this was good for all of since Steve and I don't often have an opportunity to communicate everything thats happening with Tyler, let alone, him to see it.

I forgot to mention, we were able to get a quick video of TYler feedign himself with a fork the other day. I'd have to put the food on the fork but he'd pick it up off the table and put it in his mouth.

I know I've mentioned it 1000 times already but Autism Speaks is an amazing organization. They just released 100-day kit on their website http://www.autismspeaks.org/community/family_services/100_day_kit.php Carrie printed us a copy of this and I've only skimmed it so far but it is very very informative for anyone wanting to know more about different therapies, educations, theories, etc. I encourage everyone to read it if they have time. This may answer a lot of your questions about autism. Don't forget April is autism awareness month so the more you know the more you are able to make others aware which will lead to a more tolerable world for Tyler. Everything you do helps :)