We began to work on some new outdoor routines for Tyler. We worked with Tyler on wagon rides and getting him to make requests for the ride to continue. i.e. we'd stop and then we'd try to get him to sign go to start again. It only took him about 5 minutes to catch on. Once this becomes more consistent, we'll up the ante by having him do the eye gaze with the hand-pull/sign and then eventually we'll have him make sounds in order to initiate the "go" along with the eye gaze. We just start small and then add steps as he learns each one. One thing to remember with Tyler is that he will not learn the way that a typical child learns. Most kids learn by watching adults and imitating them, this is difficult for Tyler to do on his own so we need to show him each step of the way. Next time we have a session with both boys, we are going to get Ben involved. He likes to push Tyler in the stroller so we'll have Ben play the "game" of stop and go to help Tyler make requests.
Today Carrie conducted a monthly consultation (we get these monthly anywhere of our choosing) at daycare. This gave Carrie an opportunity to work with the daycare provider on the routines we do at home so they can be consistent at day care too. Carrie also did this at the beginning of the study to help daycare learn how to help Tyler foster communication skills. Carrie commented at how different Tyler looks now at daycare compared to at the beginning of the study in terms of his engagement with the daycare provider and with the other children. I'll be sending out the session notes from that meeting as soon as I get them because they are general ways that everyone in Tyler's life can help him. Ben was also helpful during the session because he's a great model for TYler. Ben is really coming along with sign language and it's good for Tyler to see Ben modeling those signs and behavior.
I cannot emphasize enough how much this study is helping Tyler. I wish we could stay in for an infinite amount of time. Although it is a big time commitment and makes our lives a bit crazy, it has made such a difference in such a short period of time. Although, I do feel lucky that I have received the intensive training that other parents do not have the luxury of receiving, especially at no cost to us.
Since I'm attending the rally on Tuesday, we won't have the regular session with Carrie. Thanks for everyone who is joining us in support of Tyler at the rally.