It looks like the DAN doctor was right! Tyler seems to be back to his self again today. In fact, this morning before therapy, he was seeking out hugs from me. And not just the squeezes I give him for sensory reasons, and not the kind where he's on my lap and spinning around in circles, but real hugs. We were playing with the pop up toy and he just kept looking at me (directly the eyes) and then putting his arms around me and giving me hugs and he held still while we hugged! It was great. I had probably about a good 3 0 - 40 seconds of hugging. I admit, I shed a few tears. I knew my baby was in tehre, and I got to see him today. Yeah. Overall the session went well today. FOr teh most part, Carrie and I went over our objectives, TY ler's latest assessment scores and troubleshooting/planning for current goals.
I think the videotape session went really well today. Tyler did very well at feeding himself independently and although, I did push him to the point of frustration many times today, he never banged his head and I was easily able to move him on to a new task w/o continued crying so I was happy about that. He was making a lot of sounds today too. I hadn't heard Ma-Ma in a couple of weeks and he saying it today. He also said "wa" when we were washing our hands in the water. I'm pretty sure he was saying it for water because he said it when I was saying 'water off" .
Wednesday: We had our evaluation for services at the school district this morning which went well. We agreed to reconvene in July when the study ends to then determine what all additional services we'd like to add for Tyler.