Here is some more info on Tyler's goals for this year:
Goal: Improve visual-fine motor skills to increase independence and participation in classroom activities as measured by progress int eh following objectives:
1. Tyler will trace TLE using a small piece of crayon
2. With sciossors (left handed), Tyler will cut a 2" line independently
Goal: will increase independence and participation in activities of daily living, self-care as mewasured progress on the following objectives:
1. Tyler will stay dry all day
2. Tyler wil complete arrival and departure routines
Goal: Tyler will improve his social behavior and play skills:
1. Tyler will follow a peer and imiate their behavior
2. Tyler will make requests to peers
3. Tyler will respond to request by peers.
4. Tyler will initiate a social bid to a peer by giving them an object or by using a communicative gesture (tapping on shoulder, taking hand, using voice output communication).
To improve listener responder skills:
1. Tyler will identify two compontent noun-verbal and verb-noun combinations
2. Tyler will follow directions to "go get" and to "give to" various people and objects in his environment
Goal: Tyler will improve expressive communication:
1. Tyler will use voice output communication or PECs to make requests during activities through his day.
2. Tyler will use voice output communication or PECs to respond to questions, a) what b) where c) who
3. Tyler will use voice output communication or PECs to make choices/requests, to respond to questions, adn to indicate he wants a turn during group and paired activities.
4. TYler will produce sounds within his repertoire on command, imiate vowel/consonant sounds, and ebprompted to produce word approxmiations.
Goal: Tyler will improve his pre-academic skills related to reading and mathmatics
1. Tyler will answer questions or use phrases related to a story.
2. Tyler will sequnce three pictures to retell a simple story
3. Tyelr will improve his numerical concept developmetn as demonstrated by giving a requested number fo items from a group of ten/telling how many items are in a group up to 10.
He has lots of work to do :)