Thursday, February 21, 2008


Tyler had some strange behavior today, he began flapping again. For those of you that do not know what flapping is, it looks like Tyler is literally flapping his arms like a bird who is flying. This is a very common autistic trait, however, we have not seen Tyler exhibit this behavior since in months. He began flapping last September and then as soon as we started with the B12, he stopped. We haven't seen it since, until this morning. My theory on this is in line with the biomedical theory, the diet is working. Sounds weird I know. Think of it this way... Tyler has spent his whole life in a fog partly because what he was eating and what it was doing to the neurtransmitters in his brain. Now, thanks to the diet, his brain is coming out of that fog and he is on sensory overload more so than normal. He's able to take in much more, another reason that therapy should be even more effective now. So according to the theory, he may exhibit more autism like systems as he adjusts to his new world.

By the way, his poo is still much much more normal than it ever was and the coloring of his skin is getting better. He's usually so pale with blue and red undertones and those undertones are starting to diminish. He's also babbling A LOT and saying new sounds which again we attribute a lot to the diet. People sometimes ask, how do you knwo what is working and what causes what.We believe each type of therapy and treatment works and it creates a path for the other treatments to work better. I.e. the diet helping him come out of fog and concentrate more during therapy so then therapy works better. We notice a change in Tyler after each thing we try and implement. Although changes are subtle, we believe that all of them together are the key to his success. Bottom line, we see improvements and honestly, I dont care how they are happening, I'm just glad they are so we are going to keep pushing forward.

As for today's session. Things were a bit different today as we introduced bathtime and talked about strategies to get Tyler engaged during bathtime. We received "rave" reviews for our video on Tuesday. Carrie was very impressed with the video and Tyler's request for parade and getting the instruments on his own. She's making a copy of the sesion for us so we can show how wonderful he is. Oh, and the daycare provider is convinced Tyler said milk yesterday as he was reaching for his milk on the counter, yeah Tyler.