Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here is the video I mentioned the other day. The video is of Ben but you can clearly hear Tyler say "ma-ma" twice and run to me. I was just so astonished when I saw this video. I do not remember him having this skill.

Tyler sometimes wakes up before we are ready to get him so he just plays in his room. When Steve opened the door yesterday, he found TYler playing with the alphabet cards. Steve went back to finish getting ready and when he came back, Tyler had all the cards laid out like you see, in teh appropriate alphabetical order (a couple of the cards have gone missing overtime so he just kept on going to the next letter). He's such a smart little dude.

Remember months ago how I mentioned that Tyler's new DAN doctor mentioned how he'd cnosider Tyler to have "mild" autism.. music to our ears of course:) Anyway, I loev it when professionals who work with Tyler tell me how well he's doing. I of course think he's doing great compared to who he once was, however, I don't often see other children with autism for longer than a minute or so and I really do not have anything to compare and standardized tests put him as moderate/severely affected which alwasy bothers me. I don't believe tests are comprehensive of his skillset especially since they are often admnistered in an non-normal setting by people who do not often interact with Tyler, etc. Ok I'll wrap it up, my point it, speech made me feel very good the other day. I can't put my finger on exactly what was said that put a smile on my face but just a general concensus that Tyler doesn't have a lot of issues, he's a very happy little boy and he tolerates a lot of "pushing" without much behavioral issues. Our hope as always is that one day Ty will be indistinguishable from his peers. That would rock! Anyway, more video. This one of speech shows Tyler being very tolerant of her. She's constantly plugging his nose and moving his mouth, etc. and for the most part he's cool with it. I also am attaching a video of Tyler at the table. I'm trying ot get him to make the "l" sound. Sometimes he does it first try and sometimes I can't get it at all, but as you can see he's definetly trying.

Oh and the other video is of Ben and Steve playign sword fighting on the Wii.