Thursday, May 13, 2010


Ok good news and bad news... Bad news is our Dan Doctor/Pediatrician is not only moving out of the city but also no longer accepting any insurance. He's hte pediatrician for both our boys and even though he was a bit quirky, it was so convenient to have one stop shopping. We seem to scare away the pediatricians in our lives.. ha ha. So now we are just trying to figure out whether or not we need a DAN doctor right now or if we can just get a really understanding/open minded pediatrician who is willing to write us scripts for the B12 shots and the other new meds Tyler is on. Not all mainstream docs support the biomedical treatment of autism and heck as an outsider it does seem weird to give a 4 year old anti alcohol and PCOS medication! So we'll begin that search sometime soon. Another set of paperwork and transfer of files, sigh. The paper just never ends does it.

Good news. Ben is staring to adjust better at school. He's making friends now and seems to be less anxious and upset about going to school so that' good. Still tells us every day he doesn't want to go but now sometimes he doesn't want to leave when we pick him up so that's going well. And we've really finally won the battle on food. he knows he has to try everything on his plate, just one bite if he doesn't like it, but he has to try everything or he goes to time out. Does it now with no fuss. just took a lot of patience to get to that point. And he is seriously turning into this adorable little boy.. my goodness he's getting tall.

Tyler is just flourishing right now, really happy, really aware, really wanting to interact. I love it when he's like this.. I want to capture it and make sure it never goes away. He's still really trying to make sure we know what he's talking about and the he can understand us. This morning he grabbed a bird flash card and went to the window and opened the curtains and pointed outside. Then we were packing up to go, a bit hectic as we were running late, and I said come on guys, we gotta go. Ty picked up his electronic leap frog game and typed in Bye. I said yep, we are going bye bye. Gonna have to get him something else soon that one only has space for 3 letter words, ha. He was playing a game in the bathroom on his little computer while i was getting ready and it showed a tree. So eh went to the window and pointed at the trees, i said yep, tree. So then he went to his room and came back with a bin full of letters. So I got the letters out for him and then he spelled tree. I'm like yep little buddy you got it. He recognized the shape of a black tree on the screen of his computer, a real tree outside, and the spelling of the word tree. See he just wants to make sure that we know he "gets it". YES!!! We get it baby and will keep fighting for that little voice of yours to be heard. He's obviously got a lot he wants to share with us.

Brings me to my next topic. I think I may have found a way to get a toughbook laptop computer for free or very discounted, yeah! Hopefully in the next 2 months, if we have that, then we are gonna get the DT training software right away and begin working him on all of that. Another parent at Ty's school is working on a grant to get DT trainer into the classrooms for kids as well. I'd like to get a head start on that this summer. So as soon as we know whether or not we are getting that laptop, we'll purchase an ipad for Ty (well all of us really). Oh how exciting if my boy can start talking to me. I know I've expressed it many times but it's heartbreaking when something is troubling your child and they cannot tell you what it is. Today, really upset at his socks, not sure if he just didn't want them on, if it was on wrong or if god forbid a string got caught wrong and it was cutting off his circulation or something. Poor Ben came running into the kitchen a couple of weeks ago nearly in tears telling me his penis hurt. I pulled his pants down and realized the elastic from his underwear were kinda cutting his poor penis in half decreasing the blood flow. OUCH. See It kills me to think those things are happening to Ty and he can't say hey mom, somethings wrong with _____________! sigh. so if he can type it or even one word that gives me a clue like "ear" if his ear hurts or whatever, until hopefully one day he can talk, well then I'm all for it. Plus he's so super excited about it all. I love his engagement level and the thrill he has to be able to share with us. Oh it gives me such high hopes for him as an adult. And I'm pretty sure that he asked to go potty at school, I asked the teacher for clarification but the notes from school said he urinated after using the potty picture so I'm pretty sure he used his PECS board to tell them he had to go potty. I didn't know whether or not he knew when he ahd to go..apparenlty he does, yipeee.
