Tuesday, April 7, 2009

4/7/09 Update

Attached you'll find details for the autism insurance rally. You can also find more information at http://autisminsurancemi.blogspot.com/ I would recommend going to that site if you have time, because there are some video's linked that are very intersting. Steve will be attending the rally this year and I know for sure his mom is also going. There's a real chance these bills will be brought to a vote this year and we need everyones support. If you can't attend, please email your representatives or call them. THere are links on the website I listed of how to do all this.

So Tyler is doing really really great right now. Eating very well, making good contact, sitting still for longer than a second at a time, immitating and making sounds. This morning I "caught" him immidating the signing time video and trying to sign "sun" while i was making breakfast. It kind of came out like his version of snake but it was the cutest thing. We've noticed lately that he's making a lot of sounds again, and I got an email from school confiming they are noticing it too. We stopped giving him his B12 injections when he was sick cause we felt guilty for poking him then and we haven't noticed any regression in ohis speech, if anything, we are noticing more sounds. Now it's not umcommon to have a peaks and valleys in learning and progression, however, we believe to truly determine whether or not something is working for Tyler, we occasionally need to remove it and then re-add it to see if there are any changes. Those injections are $100 a month and cause him to be poked every other day so if they are no longer benefitting him (notice how I put no longer, cause they definetly helped in the beginning) then we don't want to continue obviously.

Oh and I have to tell you something Ben said... so funny. During one of Tyler's sick days, Ben and I were playing dinosaur and somehow he got a huge floor burn int he middle of his forehead near the hairline. He was convinced that, that part of his body is caleld his throat, so he kept saying he throat hurt. We kept telling him/showing him where his throat was and that his wound was on his forehead. Then he's say, that's not my forehead, that's my "owie" Finally we just gave him, so each day I ask how his throat is feeling. Ha... so this morning, I reached up to touch his owie and asked how his throat was feeling. He said, that's not my throat, it's my threehead.. HA HA HA HAHAHAHA.. i about died... he got confused between 3 and 4 and called it a three head. Kids say the best things sometims don't they!