Please thank your representatives who supported the autism insurance bills.. there is a list of supporters on this website so you can see if yours is on the list.
I sent a personalized message to my representative but also wrote a generic one for others to send, if you don't know what to say.. it only takes a minute:
Dear Representative ():
Thank you for supporting the autism insurance bills. As you know autism is a devastating disorder that affects one out of every 94 boys in the US, many of these children cannot even speak. Professionals recommend that children with autism receive intense ABA therapy for up to 40 hours a week and if administered properly, many of these kids can enter grade school, indistinguishable by their peers. At a cost of nearly $70,000 a year, families are often left to make heart-wrenching decisions regarding the care for their child. If left untreated, autism is a vicious disorder that can cause life-long behavior problems. These children are our future, by supporting these bills, you are giving so many children a chance at a life filled with happiness and success. Thank you!!!!