Monday, November 16, 2009
Here's another masterpiece by Ty. Yeah, I know it's not Mozart or Beethoven but I'm amazed at how delicate he is with the keyboard and how calculated his movements are and how well his fine motor skills are in getting his hands and fingers to work together to get the sounds he wants. It's fun to watch him search for and find just the right key.
It is obvious to me that Tyler has a musical gift and we want to embrace it and maybe if he didn't have autism, then maybe, he wouldn't have this gift, who knows. I also know that autism has made our family healthier in terms of what we put into our bodies being food and supplements, etc. But even with those things, today, I despise autism. I would like to put on some boxing gloves and get into the ring with autism and beat the shit out of it until it no longer have a hold of my son or anyone else for that matter. I hate the decisions that I have to make because of autism, I hate the financial strain that autism has put in our lives, I hate the relationship strains it's put on our family. Not only our interaction with Tyler and each other but our interactions with our family and friends and work and every other relationship we have.. it's all influenced in some way by autism. Most of all, I hate autism for not letting go of my son. LET HIM GO! Let him live a normal life ... he deserves to talk, he's worked so hard. He deserves to play with his brother like normal siblings and he deserves family vacations and to have friends..and Ben deserves it too. I've been feeling quite guilty about Ben lately and the amount of time, energy, and funding we put into Tyler and then Ben is just kinda left on the back burner, not that he's suffering by any means but if only autism wasn't in the picture. My goodness, the boys would be having a ball together right now in preschool, making friends, going to birthday parties, going on family trips, visiting other family members, the sky is the limit. So get out of my life autism, get out... you are not welcome!!! You can't keep my boy forever.. I will get him back.