wow.. it's November! Unbelievable how fast time flies by! Tyler did really well on Halloween. it was much colder this year than last so he didnt' last as long doing the actual trick or treating but we brought the wagon and his books so he was out with us for about 45 minutes and then Ben wanted to go home. It was awesome to all be otu together. We just left candy for the trick or treaters on our porch adn off we went as the Wizard of Oz! Tyler was not at all fond of his "mane" for the cowardly lion which is why he's crying in the pic i had just pulled it off his head, he's not so fond of hats on himself or other people. This was the best halloween we've had as a family so we were very very thankful.
Saturday morning, the coolest thing happend. The boys were playing together, it was awesome.. I even woke up Steve to she could see it. They were wrestling together on ben's bed. both had the giggles. We want to continue to encourage this interaction so with the exception of a headlock and a head bang against the wall last night, they both seem to really enjoy wrestling.Trying to show Ben how to be a bit more gentle as he tends to be the aggressor...we don't want Tyler to think of playing with ben has hurting. But it was awesome to see it and all the giggles.. a piece of normalcy :) Oh and I'm pretty sure Tyler said "ball" on Saturday which was also got me pretty excited.
Sunday marked a milestone for us.. both boys, played outside, independent of us, in a functional way. Those things have never happend was unbelieavable.. Dad, Grandma and I all just watched in amazement..almost like a sheww.... we made it :) Ben was climbing the tree adn playing in his jeep, Tyler was playing on the slide and with the frisbees and climbing the sandbox. The indepeendence they've gained this summer is really great.
Both boys still doing really great on the potty..Ben is keeping a dry diaper all day at daycare. Tyler is sitting on the potty now for up to 2 minutes at a time and doing very well and goes potty sometimes even. He loves to watch the water go down the toilet after flushing.
That's about it for now.. I have an appt tomorrow to get Tyler enrolled in the collaborative center to get him ready for music therapy and hopefully more services in the future.