Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Tyler is almost back to normal :) Yeah!!!!!!  That was a horrible month of feeling like we were losing him. His pediatrician/DAN doctor thinks he may have just been on yeast overload from the antibiotics and it was cuasing some chaos to his body. He was much more tolerant at speech yesterday than he has been recently.. he didn't do too much talking but hopefully by Thursday (he has 2 sessions this week), things will be 100% back to normal. We've definetly noticed an increase in chewing/popping his jaw recently so we are going to have to revisit the whole gum issue that school proposed. DAN doc recommens Spry so I'm going to order some of that and let school do their thing. THe DAN doc continues to seem a bit discouraged that we haven't seen greater improvements with Tyler through our biomedical treatments.  It's been 2.5 years now can you believe it!  So he's suggesting 2 new medications to try that have really no side effects. haven't had much time to look into them or even get them filled for that matter but I'll post more once I do the research. What I do know is that they are supposed to reduce inflammation in the brain and lower testosterone. Which by teh way, although it's very light, Tyler is the hairiest person!    Oh and on another note.. Tyler now outweighs Ben. He's become a far greater eater than Ben and it's starting to show. Ben is just barely following the curve now so we are starting to talk to Ben about his eatnig habits and growing up big and strnog (he says he wants to be small and doesn't want to eat). We'll probably find a pediasure drink or something to help add some nutricious calories, I was just trying to avoid giving him a lot of dairy drinks since he has bowel issues.  But I want to make sure he's getting what he needs calorie, fat, nutrient wise.

The party was fantastic!!!!! Everyone seemed to have a great time including us parents.   So glad we choose that location. Maybe we'll do it again next year. Thanks for everyone who attended.

So the boys are trying out a new preschool this Friday.  It will be the preschool that Ben goes to everyday and the one Tyler goes to when eh doesn't have any school at all. Daycare is off on Friday and Ty doesn't have school so we thought it would be a great trial day.  I'm so incredibly nervous about the whole thing... but realize we have to move forward so hopefully they have a fantastic time.

We are continuing to get some good news on the insurance front and hope that what seems to be good fortune continues to come our way and we come up with a really good plan for the family for the upcoming year.