Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Poor Ben fell and hit his front teeth on the hardwood floor at daycare on Monday so it kind of messed up our typical week in terms of working with Tyler. Our schedules got changed around a bit but the good news is, Ben is ok and there wasn't any permanent damage to the root or the permanent teeth and he was a trooper at the dentist! Never cried once and said "thanks guys" when they were all done. Good boy Ben.

Tyler had his monthly evaluation today at U of M and did great! Steve took him and said he saw some improvements from last month. Tyler was very attentive and aware of the surroundings and looked in the direction that the woman asked him to look as she pointed. He also played with Big bird and fed it a bottle. We worked on this skill at home and rewarded him with a fun barking doggie that he loves. I bet he was wondering today why there was no barking dog after he feed big bird!

we often work on stop and go with Tyler. We use this technique when he's running in circles so we can make it a game isntead of him just wearing out the carpet. We also use it in the stroller/wagon. It's great because Ben says stop and then we get tyler to say go (which is really just an Uh sound). That way both boys are engaged and we still get the poor dog a walk. Anyhoo.. Tyler is used to having to make a sound in order to be able to go. he's generalizing this to the car. It's so funny. Anytime we are at a red lighted traffic signal, Tyler is in the back gonig "uh" like go mom go. We tell him that light is red and as soon as it's green we'll go adn then we say "go" as soon as it's green. Hard to reinforce him for talking on this one cause we'll be breaking the law if we went when Tyler wanted us too. But it's great that he's generalizing the skill.

We also have been working on getting Tyler into an ABA program. We should know in the next couple of weeks what the plan and schedule is with that and then we are going to reevaluate his needs/services through school district to make sure everything is in place.

Much more to follow in the coming weeks, sorry the blog's been light lately.