Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone.

For the first time, Tyler went to school today without crying, yeah! Dad sent me an email and then the teacher also sent me an email which said the following:
"He is so happy this morning!! Dad said he came in with absolutely no tears, and he has been smiling and laughing since. Of course we are all ecstatic and making sure we are keeping him happy and finding his reinforcers. This morning I got some great eye contact with him while playing with this toy we have in the room. He wanted me to push the button, so he made a sound for me and put my hand on the button, I waited for him to look at me and as soon as he did I pushed the button. Quite a few times, he looked right at me when he made the sound for me to push the button. It was really great!"
Things seem to be going very well for him at school and they are also very supportive of the diet and our beliefs in putting organic products on his skin, etc. It's really great.
When I dropped Tyler off yesterday they told me he's starting to pedal the tricyle on his own, yippee. We did get them tricyles at home too so we can practice. Ben just likes to push his but TYler will ride on his.

well tonight's the big night. Last year was pretty stressful for us so we are thrilled that grandma will be here to helpt his year. I'll take lots of pictures . We are hoping Tyler will go around with us to a few houses, we'll see :) Then since Ben's been begging to go to the zoo, we are hoping to take everyone on Saturday morning. Maybe Tyler will enjoy it a little more this time around.
Love to all