Monday, October 27, 2008


Tyler is doing very well at sitting. I took a quick video this weekend so you could see. As I stated in an earlier blog we have been having the boys eat at their picnic table and working on getting Tyler to sit while eating on his own free will rather than be strapped to a booster seat. when we say it's time to eat or when Tyler sees the food being prepared, he is beginning to automatically go sit in his spot :) He's doing really well and not getting up until he's done eating and he's really eating well to and for the most part feeing himself, including using a spoon. Usually we'd haev to put something on the spoon and put it in his hand but this weekend he was reaching for teh spoon on his own and scooping up his yogurt and eating it w/o any assistance, yeah! In the video, you can't clearly see Tyler eating because he's actually chewing a pretzel, however, you can see how still and good he's being compared to Ben who is all over the place.

Although the video I'm showing is of TYler sitting at the picnic table, I did test him this weekend at sitting at the big table in a regular chair to see how he'd do. Overall it went pretty well. I used books as supports to keep him sitting. I think he got up from teh table twice while eating and I would just say sit down and put him back in the chair and he handled it all fine. So we are going to slowly remove that video reinforcer which keeps him sitting and give him less motivating support items such as books and toys as we've done int ehp ast but that was when Tyler was strapped in, now he's free to get up and down when eh choooses so it's a big trickier. He's doing great though!

The boys got new tricyles chis weekend. Tyler has been practicing this skill at preschool so we figfured it's time to practice at home too. Ben is more intersted in pushign the tricycle right now than riding it and Tyler likes to ride but not necessarily peddle (we got bikes with handles so we could push) so hopefully in time they'll realize how fun it is to pedal and go on their own.

Other than that, we are going to work on trick or treating this week and hope to get TYler ready for the big day. We are trying to teach him the sign for candy and practice opening doors and getting something in his pumpkin. We are hoping this will help him understand better what is happening on Friday. Grandma is coming down early for the weekend to help us with the halloween festivities which was a bit of a struggle last year trying ot take ben around, hand out candy and keep tyler from running away.